We're Hiring Graphic

Our tutors are students who excel academically, have exceptional interpersonal skills, and are motivated to help their UD peers achieve academic goals.

The OAE is always looking for qualified tutors. APPLY BELOW–join our team today!!!

Why Become a Tutor:

  • Flexible hours
  • Extra income
  • Re-enforce your understanding of course content
  • Impressive listing for your resume
  • Gives you a glimpse into teaching and professions that involve helping others
  • Improves your interpersonal and communication skills
  • A simple yet effective way of contributing to your college community

Minimum Qualifications:

  • Overall GPA of at least 3.00
  • Currently enrolled undergraduate students with 30 or more earned credit hours (AP credits not eligible) & currently enrolled UD graduate students.
  • Minimum grade of  a “B” in each course you wish to tutor (“A” preferred)
  • UD professor or Staff recommendation
  • Copy of unofficial transcript
  • Availability to participate in orientation, training, & meetings
  • Good communication and interpersonal skill
  • Knowledge of the university community
  • Preferred: experience in teaching, presenting information and/or helping others learn
  • Must be able to devote an entire semester to being employed as a tutor

Expectations of a Hired Tutor:

  • Professionalism
  • Organize & manage a successful tutorial session from start to finish
  • Model positive academic skills and behavior
  • Provide excellent customer service
  • Be friendly, be patient, be assertive, be sensitive, be discreet, be creative and be responsible

We are accepting tutor applications on a rolling basis, but interview invitations are based on applicant qualifications and our tutoring needs. Completing an application does not guarantee that you will be interviewed. Your application will remain on file for the school year, and you could be contacted anytime. After the end of the school year, you will need to re-apply. Please be patient as we do receive a large number of applications to review.

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